The PEET Model®

The PEET Model® is a trademarked model developed by Terence Chiew, the founder of Peet Asia. It can be applied in various everyday situations. Here are some case examples:

Case examples of how the PEET model (Perceive, Examine, Explore, Transform) can be applied to effectively address critical issues and transform situations into desired outcomes.  

Case Example 1: Improving Employee Morale at ABC Company

ABC Company faced a high rate of employee turnover and low morale among its staff, resulting in decreased productivity and a negative impact on the company's overall performance. By conducting surveys and examining critical issues such as inadequate recognition and rewards for hard work, unequal workload distribution, and lack of clear communication channels, the HR department and management team explored solutions such as an employee recognition and rewards program, improved workload distribution, clear communication channels, and employee engagement and development programs. By implementing these solutions, the company saw significant improvements in employee morale and retention. 

Case Example 2: Improving Customer Satisfaction at XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation received negative feedback from customers about the quality and reliability of its products and faced increased competition from new entrants in the market. By examining critical issues such as inconsistent quality control processes and an outdated supply chain management system, the management team explored solutions such as implementing a comprehensive quality control program, upgrading the supply chain management system, offering more personalized and responsive customer service, and investing in research and development. By implementing these solutions, the company saw significant improvements in customer satisfaction and brand reputation. 

Case Example 3: Improving Work-Life Balance for John Doe

John Doe, a busy sales manager, felt overwhelmed and stressed due to long working hours and a lack of personal time. By examining critical issues such as job demands and lack of personal time, John explored solutions such as prioritizing and delegating tasks, setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, practising self-care activities, and seeking support from family and friends. By implementing these solutions, John saw significant improvements in his work-life balance and overall well-being. 

In conclusion, the application of the PEET model can be an effective approach to address critical issues and transform situations into desired outcomes, whether in the workplace or in personal life. By perceiving, examining, exploring, and transforming, individuals and organisations can achieve positive and productive outcomes.

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